
Generate stimulation pulse trains with custom parameters

The TriggerMate provides a simple way to generate stimulation pulse trains with custom parameters.

The device is connected to a stimulation system using the trigger port. The stimulation parameters can then be set using the device controls. Pulses will then be generated to trigger the stimulator according to the desired parameters. This provides great flexibility in controlling stimulation.

Set up

The device needs to be powered via its microUSB connector. The trigger output BNC port should then be connected to the target stimulator’s trigger port. Stimulation settings can then be set using the device interface.

A synchronisation output is provided via a second BNC port. This allows the device to provide an input to trigger, for example, commonly used EMG systems where stimulation is used in combination with electrophysiological recording.

Further detail is provided in the setup section.


Once connected to the stimulation system, the device will start to generate trigger pulses according to the parameters set on the device interface. Note that the device generates only triggers to determine the timing and frequency of stimulation; the parameters of individual pulses should be set on the target stimulator.

The device provides three modes of stimulation with different behaviours: normal mode for tonic stimulation at low frequencies; high frequency mode for tonic stimulation at multiple kilohertz; and burst mode for stimulation using bursts of high-frequency pulses.

Further detail is provided in the triggering section.

Example applications

The device provides a convenient means of testing the effects of stimulation with varying parameters in any setting. The ability to easily and rapidly alter stimulation settings provides great flexibility in the stimulation applied.

Examples of normal stimulation at 40Hz, high frequency stimulation at 1kHz and burst stimulation with a burst frequency of 40Hz, and intra-burst frequency of 1kHz and 5 pulses per burst are shown below.

Further synchronisation outputs allow the device to be easily provide trigger inputs to standard EMG systems, facilitating the investigation of the electrophysiological effects of stimulation with varying parameters.

Oxford Neural Interfacing 2023

Oxford Neural Interfacing 2023